What is it about rules that make no sense?
You know, like: Leaving your car door open at a Petrol Station... You hear that irritating, bothersome, demanding, yet softly spoken voice.. It's your Wife!! "get me some crisps"...
Then, unbelievably, an even more annoying voice is released into the communal confines of the petrol station, (and before you say it... No... Luckily.. it's not the Mother in law... You know, when they came up with the acronym M.I.L.F.. They should come up with M.I.L.F.E.R :: Mother In Law Fuck! Everyone Run)..
Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, a more annoying voice than the M.I.L.. Every Petrol Station has 'em, that 'A-typical' ::: short, fat, ageing women, who a few years ago would have had a fag in her mouth as she told number 6 to: "close your door..."
Are there more things that happen in public more embarrassing than being publically told to close your car door, all the while a middle aged man, filling his soft top BMW looks over with a smirk on his face!!
I mean really??!!
What will possibly happen with the door open, that won't if you have a soft top??....
What about Motorbikes?? How do they get away with it?? Do their suites have superhuman abilities to prevent explosions? If they do, can some inform the British Army for the fight againt I.E.Ds!!
Is my car going to sudden;y burst into flames? Do they think I'm going to mistake my open door for where to put the fuel? Will the Leather interior suddenly become so statically charged a pulse of electric shoots out and blows the whole place up??!
Or has something happened in the past to make this bizarre rule exist...??
Maybe when these conveniently size tubes were introduced, they found mem with car doors open, sticking their willies into the pumps?? Using Deisel as the lubricant..
It makes sense, like the founders of Milking a cow, some had to make the mistakes, so others could reap the benefits.. My heart goes out to the poor bastard that stuck his in the Unleaded pump, that shit meant to be more corrosive!!
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