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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Religious insanity

You know what I don't get about religious nut jobs.. you know who I mean don't you.. the sort that do something evil, like:
Kill a celebraty,
Shoot up a school,
Murder their wife.... (Well I think most men could relate with that one!!.. And there's a point to be made with this choice, but I'll get back to it...).

What i don't get is, when it comes to questioning them, they get asked why and they say because god told me to it for blah blah, some crazy phyco babble reason..
Then, from time to time, they are asked how he spoke to them, which gets answered with where & when, but I've yet to see a time when someone actually question.the way in which god allegedly asked them...
The defendant will no doubt at some point say a simple sentance, like: he told me I should kill her...

That isn't enough.. I'd wanna know how he spoke... Was his voice deep? Soft? Did it have an evil cackle at the end? Did God, somehow make his voice sound like their own voice!?
In fact, i'd wanna know the exact wording, punctuation & phrases he used...
The guy apparently created everything, which would include language & I'd suspect being an old as fuck fart, he'd still speak like Shakespeare's plays read!!
If he speaks normal & uses current phrases, like: "that bitch be a hoe, you should put a cap in her ass", although the initial idea that God told ya to do it is funda-mentally flawed (this would further suggest it just their own crazy ass mind)!!

Oh yeah, that point I said I'd make later on.... well, I've forgotten it, but, fear not, I have cunjoured another....
The whole idea God could speak to you & order you to kill your wife is insane...
Paradoxically, women do have the knack of driven men insane...
So, isn't their fault!?

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