A wise Englishman once said that its not important to learn the local language when going abroad... Like, say you go to Greece you'll learn some words, go to use them & the other person doesn't even speak the language..
They are from somewhere else! Like Slovania! Who, by the way, have some lame insults.. one of the worst apparently means something like:
Go up your ass...
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Sperm through oral is good for women
Semen is 'good for women's health and helps fight depression' | Mail Online
So, women, read & take note... Sperm will make you feel good, sleep better, win Pub Quizzes & fight the depression of being stuck with a man (coz men are so o obviously the problem in relationships, they just don't do anything right & there actions are so alway completely on purpse)...
For all those women who choose to spit, ha, your gunna die an angrey, stressed old lady who was less affectionate to everybody & had trouble sleeping, so got addicted to swallowing pills, when all ya needed to do, was suck some cock & swallow the love juice...
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Old people & home decorations
I know a great shop for home decor, they do some nice handmade stuff, like those plaques that say: 'home'...
Good presents for old people, they forget where they are... A lot...
Although, can be confusing for them, when they visit places that aren't home, but have 'home' plaques...
Would explain why they take forever to go home!!! Sitting there, chewing their food with their entire face shrivelling up as they do so!! Fucking hate old people...
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Historical inaccuracy of films
Take Braveheart...
Kilts hadn't been invented & the princess would have actually been 4 years old!!
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Men's Multitasking
You often hear than men can't multi-task..
But I don't think those people realise how many men, fuck their wives & think of someone else!!