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Sunday 29 July 2012

Mountain Chicken Frogs..??

These Rare Frogs, got their name (Mountain Chicken Frogs) when they were discovered to be
Scared of Mountains & likely heights too!!
Ironically they a bunch if them were Airlifted from a Caribbean Island, to save them from a highly infectious and deadly disease..
They have settled in nicely at London Zoo & are now getting freaky, breeding like mad!!
The critically-endangered Frogs were rescued from the Island of Montserrat as they faced extinction due to the rapid spread of the Chytrid fungus, the frogs version of syphilis...

The disease has devastated amphibian populations around the world, pushing many species to the edge of dying out.
Scientists airlifted 50 of the frogs to London, in a bid to protect their future, by developing a healthy population of the animals that could eventually be reintroduced to disease free areas of the Island.
Housed in a bio-secure, temperature-controlled breeding unit at the Zoological Society of London..
Which is likely funded in a similar way to many of the Asylum seekers now residing in the UK:::: by the Tax-payer...
In fact, Two of the rescued females have now produced 76 young, they have Sky TV, are getting driving lessons & all paid for by benefits..
The mothers laid eggs in a self-made foam nest, which they learnt how to make from Blue Peter.. They guarded them as they developed into tadpoles, which they then fed every three to five days with unfertilised eggs.
The offspring will be released back into a protected and disease-free area of the wild when they are fully grown.
Zoological Society of London curator of Herpetology, Dr Ian Stephen, said: "These frogs are one of the most endangered animals on the planet, facing a range of threats from habitat loss to over-hunting and, most notably, the spread of the chytrid fungus.
"To have increased their numbers by 76 individuals is an incredible achievement for ZSL London Zoo and an incredible lifeline for the mountain chicken frog."
"To say we're delighted by this accomplishment is an understatement to say the least."
A dozen of the 50 rescued frogs are being housed in a captive breeding unit at London Zoo, with the remainder split between units at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in Jersey and Parken Zoo in Sweden.

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